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http://www.CRNTT.tw   2018-01-20 17:05:16
Changing our forces' posture will prioritize readiness for warfighting for major combat, making us strategically predictable for our allies and operationally unpredictable for any adversary.

Increasing the lethality of our troops, supported by our defense civilians, requires us to reshape our approach that managing our outstanding talent, reinvigorating our military education and honing civilian workforce expertise.

The creativity and talent of the department is our deepest wellspring of strength, and one that warrants greater investment.

And to those who would threaten America's experiment in democracy, they must know:If you challenge us it will be your longest and your worst day.  Work with our diplomats; you don't want to fight the Department of Defense.

The second line of effort I noted was to strengthen alliances as we build new partnerships, as well.

In my past, I fought many times and never did I fight in a solely American formation.  It was always alongside foreign troops.

Now, as Winston Churchill once said, the only thing harder than fighting with allies is fighting without them.  But we are going to be stronger together in recognizing that our military will be designed and trained and ready to fight alongside allies.

History proves that nations with allies thrive, an approach to security and prosperity that has served the United States well in keeping peace and winning war.  Working by, with and through allies who carry their equitable share allows us to amass the greatest possible strength.

We carried a disproportionate share of the defense burden for the democracies in the post-World War II era.  The growing economic strength of today's democracies and partners dictates they must now step up and do more.

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