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http://www.CRNTT.tw   2018-01-20 17:05:16
MODERATOR:Thank you.

With cybersecurity a rising concern in both public and private sectors, how does the NDS plan to address strengthening U.S. cybersecurity measures?

SEC. MATTIS:Right.  If you look back, put it in historical terms, ladies and gentlemen, we began fighting on the ground, I don't know, 5,000 years ago -- about the first time somebody envied something somebody else had, I guess.

We went to sea and went maritime probably about, I don't know, 4,000 years ago.  Then, about 100 years ago -- a little over a hundred years ago, World War I, we went into the air domain.

And then -- so we had a couple thousand years for a couple of them.  We've had a hundred years to incorporate air.  And now, in a matter of a little more than a decade, really, we've added cyberspace and outer space as potential warfighting -- as warfighting domains.  It's the way we must look at it, since we're your sentinels, we're your sentries who guard America.  We have to look at it that way.

In cyber, what we are going to do is reorganize.  I told you we're reorganizing the department to a degree.  You're going to see reorganization of the fundamental organizations.  The U.S. Cyber Command and the National Security Agency -- they will be organized along different lines.

We are going to have to, then, resource them in education, with training programs, recruiting programs and mission statements so that the reorganized forces are working together, because this is a Wild West right now.  As you know, people in their bedrooms can be doing things that are causing your bank account dire problems, at this point.

So I would just tell you, it's going to have to look at this problem much more broadly than the department has looked at problems in the past.  And that means we have to be relevant to the security of everyone who's looking at me right now, not just relevant to our forces in the battlefield in some overseas land.

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