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【 第1頁 第2頁 第3頁 】 
http://www.CRNTT.tw   2017-12-23 11:27:44
  2. Crude Oil (OP4):Strengthens UNSCR 2375 freeze on crude oil by establishing a 4 million barrels/year or 525,000 tons/year annual limit. Increases transparency of crude oil provided to North Korea by requiring supplying member states to provide quarterly reports to the 1718 Sanctions Committee on amounts of crude oil provided to North Korea.

  3. Commitment to Future Oil Reductions (OP27):Commits the Security Council to reduce further petroleum exports to North Korea following another nuclear test or an ICBM launch, sending a strong new political signal to North Korea about future Security Council responses.

  4. Countering Maritime Smuggling (OPs 9-15):Provides additional tools to crack down on smuggling and sanctions evasion, including a new requirement for countries to seize and impound ships caught smuggling illicit items including oil and coal.

  5. North Korean Overseas Workers (OP8):Requires countries to expel all North Korean laborers earning income abroad immediately but no later than 24 months later (end of 2019).

  The North Korean regime is believed to be earning over $500 million each year from heavily taxing the nearly 100,000 overseas North Korean workers, with as many as 80,000 working in China (about 50,000) and Russia (about 30,000) alone.

  Exempts the repatriation of North Korean defectors, refugees, asylum seekers, and trafficking victims who will face persecution and torture when repatriated by the North Korean regime.

  6. Ban DPRK Exports (OP6):Bans all remaining categories of major DPRK exports.

  Previous Security Council resolutions banned North Korea’s export sectors covering around 90% of its export revenue (e.g., coal, textiles, seafood, iron).

  Banning the remaining major export sectors – including food, agricultural products, minerals machinery, electrical equipment – will cut off $200 million or more of annual export revenues.

  Revenues from these exports in 2016 constituted nearly 10% of total exports or $264 million.

 【 第1頁 第2頁 第3頁 】 

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