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http://www.CRNTT.tw   2017-12-23 11:27:44
安理會15個成員22日一致投票,通過了第2397號決議。(來源 聯合國圖片)
  中評社香港12月23日電(記者 臧涵)針對朝鮮2017年11月29日發射洲際彈道導彈的行為,聯合國安理會12月22日一致通過由美國提出的第2397號決議,針對朝鮮的能源和進出口實施了更加強有力的制裁,並針對朝鮮的非法走私活動規定了新的海上措施。美國國務院亞太媒體中心北京時間今日淩晨發文表示,新決議將進一步朝鮮精煉石油產品的進口量限制在每年50萬桶以內,同時還將朝鮮的原油進口量限制在每年400萬桶。


  In response to the November 29, 2017 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launch by North Korea, United Nations Security Council resolution (UNSCR) 2397 imposes strong new sanctions on North Korea’s energy, export, and import sectors with new maritime authorities to help shut down North Korea’s illicit smuggling activities. UNSCR 2397 builds on UNSCR 2375 (2017), which included the strongest sanctions ever imposed on North Korea, and prior resolutions. This resolution imposes the following measures:

  1. Refined Petroleum Products (OP5):Reduces UNSCR 2375 annual cap on refined petroleum exports by 75% to allow a maximum of 500,000 barrels/year to North Korea.

  In 2016, North Korea imported 4.5 million barrels/year of refined petroleum.

  After the September nuclear test, the Security Council capped refined petroleum exports to North Korea at 2 million barrels.

  By reducing this cap to 500,000 barrels, North Korea’s import of gasoline, diesel, and other refined products will be cut by a total of 89% from summer 2017.

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