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美聯邦參議員范士丹回復華裔學者 支持一中
http://www.CRNTT.tw   2018-02-15 00:21:56
美國聯邦參議員範士丹(Dianne Feinstein)(中評社資料圖片)
  中評社洛杉磯2月14日電(記者 宋楷文)就美國聯邦參議院外交關係委員會於當地時間2月7日無異議通過“台灣旅行法(Taiwan Travel Act HR 535)”草案,美國亞太事務智庫理事研究員、中美論壇社社長張文基教授等美華裔學者致信給重量級聯邦參議員范士丹(Dianne Feinstein)女士和參議員Harris等,呼籲其在參議院全院表決時,對“台灣旅行法”說“不”!表明作為華裔美國公民群體反對該草案的立場。 

  該信由中美論壇社社務委員陳立家(Richard 理查德)代表美華裔學者用英文書就。詳見中評社日前報道《美華裔學者呼籲對台灣旅行法說不》。



  再次感謝你們的來信,如果你們還有更多的評論,請隨時參閱我的網站 http:/Feinstein. Senate.gov或聯絡我的辦公室 202-224-3841



Dear Richard:
   Thank you so much for writing to share with me your concerns regarding U.S. policy towards the People's Republic of China and Taiwan. I appreciate hearing from you and welcome this opportunity to share with you my views on this important issue.
I believe that the United States must maintain a policy of engagement with China. It is my view that in order to positively influence China in the areas of human rights, political freedom, and security issues, the United States must not call into question our standing policy of engagement with China every time a controversial issue or disagreement arises.
I also support the "One China" policy that we have upheld since the signing of the Shanghai Communique in 1972. This policy is based, in part, on the understanding that China will seek to resolve its differences with Taiwan through peaceful means. The "One China" policy has worked well: the United States and China have been able to conduct normal relations befitting two great powers, the U.S. and Taiwan have developed extensive economic and cultural ties, and Taiwan has prospered and become a model for fledgling democracies.
I fully support the development of a democratic Taiwan and the absolute necessity of a peaceful resolution of its differences with China. Please know that I will continue to closely monitor the situation between Taiwan and China and should legislation regarding this issue come before the Senate, I will be sure to keep your views in mind. 
Again, thank you for writing. If you have any more comments, feel free to visit my website at http://feinstein.senate.gov, or contact my office in Washington, D.C. at (202) 224 3841.
Sincerely yours,

 Dianne Feinstein
 United States Senator

 戴安 •范士丹(Dianne Feinstein)出生於1933年6月22日,自1992年起一直擔任民主黨籍資深美國聯邦參議員,代表美國人口最多、經濟最發達的加利福尼亞州。此前她是美國舊金山首位女市長。 

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