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http://www.CRNTT.tw   2017-04-06 14:01:57
  中評社北京4月6日電(記者 臧涵)“習特會”6日在佛羅里達州海湖莊園舉行之前,華府外國記者中心5日下午舉行簡報會,由白宮國安會亞洲事務高級主任博明(Matt Pottinger)和美國國務院負責東亞事務的代理助理國務卿董雲裳(Susan Thornton)介紹此次峰會的安排與議程。這是博明就任白宮國安會亞洲事務高級主任以來首次以實名在公開場合露面對媒體簡報。

  MODERATOR:All right, thank you for your patience. We are very grateful. Welcome to the Foreign Press Center. We’re here for a preview of the visit of President Xi Jinping of China. We have with us Matt Pottinger, who is the Senior Director for Asia at the National Security Council. On his right is Susan Thornton, who is the Acting Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs at the State Department. They’ll each offer opening statements, as usual.

  As usual, I’ll moderate a question and answer session. We have a limited amount of time today; we’d appreciate your keeping your questions to one part to allow your colleagues to continue to have opportunities. As you ask a question, please identify yourselves and your outlets. We’ll go to your colleagues in New York as appropriate.

  Thank you for joining us. Welcome, Mr. Pottinger.

  MR POTTINGER:Thank you very much. Thank you all for coming. I’m Matt Pottinger, at – the Senior Director for Asia, as my colleague mentioned. We are going to kick off the first summit between the President of China, Xi Jinping, and President Trump tomorrow down in Mar-a-Lago. This will be the first time that the two have met, and really an opportunity for the two leaders to get to know one another, to talk about bilateral issues and regional issues, and starting with areas of cooperation, but also many areas of difference in the U.S.-China relationship.

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