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http://www.CRNTT.tw   2018-02-25 15:58:12
  中評社北京2月25日電(記者 臧涵)美國總統唐納德•特朗普23日宣布對朝鮮施加“史上最重”制裁,以促使朝方放棄開發核武器和導彈。記者從美國國務院亞太媒體中心發文獲悉,美國財政部於當地時間23日出台針對56個涉朝實體和個人的制裁措施,以切斷朝鮮核項目的資金源,包括一名個人、27家船運和貿易公司、28艘船只。


  財政部長史蒂文·姆努欽(Steven Mnuchin)說,這些舉措將“限制朝鮮規避制裁、非法運輸煤和燃料的海運活動,同時削弱它經國際水域運輸物資的能力”。



Treasury Announces Largest North Korean Sanctions Package Targeting 56 Shipping and Trading Companies and Vessels to Further Isolate Rogue Regime
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) today announced the largest North Korea-related sanctions tranche to date, aimed at disrupting North Korean shipping and trading companies and vessels to further isolate the regime and advance the U.S. maximum pressure campaign.  Today’s action targets one individual, 27 entities, and 28 vessels located, registered, or flagged in North Korea, China, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Marshall Islands, Tanzania, Panama, and Comoros.  Today, Treasury, along with the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Coast Guard, also issued an advisory alerting the public to the significant sanctions risks to those continuing to enable shipments of goods to and from North Korea.

“Treasury is aggressively targeting all illicit avenues used by North Korea to evade sanctions, including taking decisive action to block the vessels, shipping companies, and entities across the globe that work on North Korea’s behalf.  This will significantly hinder the Kim regime’s capacity to conduct evasive maritime activities that facilitate illicit coal and fuel transports, and erode its abilities to ship goods through international waters,” said Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.  “The President has made it clear to companies worldwide that if they choose to help fund North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, they will not do business with the United States.”

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