】 【打 印】 
http://www.CRNTT.tw   2020-05-19 14:34:16
  中評社台北5月19日電(記者 黃筱筠)對於台灣無法獲邀參與世界衛生大會(WHA),美國在台協會(AIT)今天也以美國國務卿蓬佩奧為名發佈新聞稿指出,台灣被排除在世界衛生大會之外,美國予以強烈譴責。當世界正戮力對抗新冠疫情的同時,我們需要多邊機構履行其既定使命,並為所有會員國的利益服務,而不是在生命危在旦夕之際,仍在操弄政治。





  Taiwan’s Exclusion From the World Health Assembly

  The United States condemns Taiwan’s exclusion from the World Health Assembly. At a time when the world continues to struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic, we need multilateral institutions to deliver on their stated missions and to serve the interests of all member states, not to play politics while lives are at stake.

  No one disputes that Taiwan has mounted one of the world’s most successful efforts to contain the pandemic to date, despite its close proximity to the original outbreak in Wuhan, China. This should not be a surprise. Transparent, vibrant, and innovative democracies like Taiwan always respond faster and more effectively to pandemics than do authoritarian regimes.

  WHO’s Director-General Tedros had every legal power and precedent to include Taiwan in WHA’s proceedings. Yet, he instead chose not to invite Taiwan under pressure from the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The Director-General’s lack of independence deprives the Assembly of Taiwan’s renowned scientific expertise on pandemic disease, and further damages the WHO’s credibility and effectiveness at a time when the world needs it the most.

  The PRC’s spiteful action to silence Taiwan exposes the emptiness of its claims to want transparency and international cooperation to fight the pandemic, and makes the difference between China and Taiwan ever more stark. Taiwan is a model world citizen, while the PRC continues to withhold vital information about the virus and its origins, deny access to their scientists and relevant facilities, censor discussion of the pandemic within China and on Chinese social media properties, and casts blame widely and recklessly.

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