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美出台對朝制裁新措施 涉及中俄相关实体
http://www.CRNTT.tw   2018-01-25 15:57:07
  中評社香港1月25日電(記者 臧涵整理報道)美國財政部當地時間24日發表聲明,以涉嫌支持朝鮮武器研發項目等為由,宣布對多個企業、個人和船只實施制裁。

  聲明說,為應對朝鮮正在進行的大規模殺傷性武器研發並繼續違反安理會相關決議。美國財政部海外資產控制辦公室(OFAC) 今日對9個實體、16名個人和6艘船只實施制裁。

  美國財政部長姆努欽(Steven T. Mnuchin)在聲明中說,美國財政部將繼續系統性地針對資助朝鮮政府及其武器項目的個人和實體施加制裁。


WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) today sanctioned nine entities, 16 individuals, and six vessels in response to North Korea's ongoing development of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and continued violations of United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCRs).  Today's sanctions target agents of the Kim regime financing or otherwise supporting North Korea's WMD programs and other illicit businesses.  As a result of today's action, any property or interests in property of the designated persons in the possession or control of U.S. persons or within the United States must be blocked, and U.S. persons are prohibited from dealing with any of the designated parties.

"Treasury continues to systematically target individuals and entities financing the Kim regime and its weapons programs, including officials complicit in North Korean sanctions evasion schemes," said Secretary of the Treasury Steven T. Mnuchin.  "Pursuant to UN Security Council Resolutions, the U.S. government is targeting illicit actors in China, Russia, and elsewhere who are working on behalf of North Korean financial networks, and calling for their expulsion from the territories where they reside.  We are sanctioning additional oil, shipping, and trading companies that continue to provide a lifeline to North Korea to fuel this regime's nuclear ambitions and destabilizing activities." 

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