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http://www.CRNTT.tw   2017-04-18 17:02:53
  中評社北京4月18日電(記者 臧涵)當地時間17日下午,正在韓國訪問的美國副總統彭斯同韓國代總統黃教安共同舉行記者會。


  Remarks by the Vice President and South Korean Acting President Hwang at a Joint Press Statement

  The Prime Minister’s Residence 
  Seoul, Republic of Korea

  ACTING PRESIDENT HWANG:(As interpreted.)  Good afternoon.  First of all I would like to wholeheartedly welcome Vice President Pence on his first visit to Korea, and I would also like to extend my warmest welcome to his family and delegation.

  Vice President Pence’s late father was a Korean War veteran who had devoted himself to the defense of our freedom and democracy during the Korean War.  And this morning, Vice President Pence visited the Demilitarized Zone to inspect our stalwart combined defense posture and reconfirm our strong will to deter North Korea.  This symbolizes not only a special personal tie, but also the depth and sturdiness of our alliance that has lasted over 60 years.

  In particular at this time when the security situation on the Korean Peninsula is dire due to North Korea’s nuclear and missile provocations, Vice President Pence’s visit to Korea as his first destination in Asia since taking office shows the firm stance of the new U.S. administration on developing our alliance and responding to North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats.  As such, I believe Vice President Pence’s visit is timely and meaningful.

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