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http://www.CRNTT.tw   2016-08-15 00:22:36
 Such “hybrid” conflicts may consist of military forces assuming a non-state identity, as Russia did in the Crimea, or involve a VEO fielding rudimentary combined arms capabilities, as ISIS has demonstrated. Hybrid conflicts may also involve state and non-state actors working together toward shared objectives, employing a wide range of weapons such as conflicts in eastern Ukraine.

 Hybrid conflicts serve to increase ambiguity, complicate decision-making, and slow the coordination of effective responses. Due to these advantages to the aggressor, it is likely that this form of conflict will persist well into the future.

 c. Countering challenges by raising “Integrated Military Strategy”

 The chapter entitled “Integrated Military Strategy” of the 2015 NMS asserts that the US military is capable of handling various types of conflicts and complies with a priority in missions.

 The key points are as follows:(1) From the enduring national interests and national security interests, the US military has defined its missions in priority:to deter, deny and defeat state adversaries; to disrupt, degrade and defeat violent extremist organizations; to strengthen the global network of allies and partners. Compared with the 2011 NMS, the 2015 version has reversed the sequence of defeating state adversaries and defeating violent extremist organizations. (2) Globally integrated operations emphasize eight components:employing mission command; seizing, retaining and exploiting the initiative; leveraging global agility; partnering; demonstrating flexibility in establishing joint forces; improving cross-domain synergy; using flexible low-signature capabilities; and being increasingly discriminate to minimize unintended consequences. Such operations rely on a global logistics and transportation network, secure communications, integrated joint and partner intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities. (3) The prioritization of military missions:to maintain a secure and effective nuclear deterrent; to provide for military defense of the homeland; to defeat an adversary; to provide a global stabilizing presence; to combat terrorism; to counter weapons of mass destruction; to deny an adversary’s objectives; respond to crisis and conduct limited contingency operations; to conduct military engagement and security cooperation; to conduct stability and counterinsurgency operations; to provide support to civil authorities; to conduct humanitarian assistance and disaster response. The above mission list indicates that the US capabilities of meeting big power challenges explicitly surpass that of dealing with VEOs.

 d. Proposing “joint force initiatives” in an effort to overcome difficulties deriving from strategic adjustment

 Although the 2015 MNS does not reveal the causes for proposing joint force initiatives, it implies behind the lines that such initiatives are targeted at countering the lowed morale caused by years of overseas operations, decreased morality, effectiveness and efficiencies, as well as budget cuts. The part “Joint Force Initiatives” states that the US Joint Force combines people, processes and programs to execute globally integrated operations and achieve the National Military Objectives.

 The key points are as follows:(1) In terms of retaining the warfighting edge and improving professional criteria, the US military is prioritizing leader development, adapting organizational culture and promoting ethical leadership. (2) In terms of processes, the US military will lay more emphasis on innovation and efficiency, including:conducting resource-informed planning; improving global agility; demanding greater effectiveness and efficiencies. (3) In terms of programs, the US military aims to sustain the technology and quality edges, improve joint interoperability, and invest to enhance decisive advantages.

 In all, “joint force initiatives” requires innovative leaders, optimized decision-making and advanced military capabilities. The devotion of a part to joint force initiatives also indicates that the shift of strategic focus does not only relate to military deployment, but also is concerned with handling the tired troops and some decreased capabilities due to the decade of countering terrorism operations. In short, the US military will remobilize the troops as well as reallocate its strategic resources and build some military capabilities; will enable strategic shift physically and psychologically.

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